tablet-spo2-cableThe value of oxigen saturation in blood is considered as the fifth vital sign, after heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature.

Easy of use

Our pulse oximeter is extremely simple, connect to lifehub and work. The system recognizes the presence of the pulse oximeter and automatically shows to the user the use screen, a simple and complete interface that shows much useful information for the patient and the health professional.

Complete information

The value of oxygen saturation in the blood, the heart rate and other interesting data for the evaluation of the patient, such as the perfusion index. In addition, a dynamic graph of the plethysmographic curve and a visual indicator of the perfusion index will help the practitioner find the best location to perform the measurement correctly.

Advanced configuration

The advanced configuration allows you to easily set alarms or force high-sensitivity metering modes for users with poor peripheral irrigation.

The lightest on the market, without batteries, a complete unit with just over 20gr in weight and a simple connection through our smartjack cable, lifehub provides communication and power to the pulse oximeter. The user will never have to worry about changing the batteries to his unit of measurement, it will always be available thanks to our simple design.

Modular desing

The modular design reaches the interchangeable probe, with the same pulse oximeter we can use different probes, of different sizes or locations in the patient.


Real-time oximetry capture on patient's finger